Coming up, I’ll be posting some pictures of a trip Joe and I took to Skyline Drive this past fall, but before doing that, I wanted to briefly mention this place called Apple House that we stumbled across by accident.
We were getting gas before entering Skyline Drive, having made a completely random turn off the main road and onto a cheery place called Dismal Hollow Road.
There, we were about to grab some awful gas station snacks when we noticed a restaurant right by the gas station. Since we were getting kind of hungry and wanted to avoid gas station food, we decided to check it out.
And. It. Was. Awesome.
Apple House is great. Maybe it’s a well-known local landmark, but we city folk had never heard of it before. If you ever find yourself in the area, I definitely recommend it. There’s an ample souvenir shop, delicious food, amazing country pies, pulled pork sandwiches, and even local booze you can pick up to drink back home. And yes, they do sell t-shirts that say “I like pork butts and I cannot lie.” That’s right.
These pictures are from my old phone, sorry for the quality.
Only some of you will be able to appreciate this in person, but there’s a cool lady pig in the women’s restroom.