I think this blog is an appropriate venue to note that I listened to the following song maybe 20? 40? times in the last 48 hours:
Also, other life things:
- I’m spending a lot of time working on twords and it’s making me so, so happy. Check it out, I’m looking for early adopters to test it!
- This morning we went to the first-ever CreativeMornings DC and heard a talk by Ryan Holladay of Bluebrain. Amazing, amazing stuff. Really inspired to pursue more art projects.
- Meetups are ridiculously effective injections of joy. I’ll write a more detailed about that later. Plus I owe a post about meeting Azar Nafisi back in October (!). And a post about Kevin Spacey.
- There are about five new building construction lots right by our building. The sounds of construction all day are making me just a tad bit crazy. Just a tad.