A financial planning community Joe and I support is having a promotion that a few of you might find useful! Essentially, by getting a few friends together, you can split the cost of a semi-personal financial planning session as a group. The cost of the group is $50 with a $10 minimum per person. So you can split the $50 session between two people to make it $25 each, between five people at $10 each, or whatever works for you. Groups of six or more will pay $10 per person.
The great part is that this is a no commitment, no obligation offer. If you do this planning session, you won’t be required to sign up for additional services. Of course, you may want to, but it’s entirely up to you.
>> If you’re interested, simply email Bill Varettoni at bill@comlad.com with any questions or to sign up.
Joe and I encourage the twenty-something community to be proactive about their finances, and this is a great deal for you to start learning about personal finance. At least go to get basic information about loan repayment, building a credit score, planning for large future purchases, and whatever is useful to know now that we’re out in the big scary “real world.” Sometimes it’s hard to find reliable resources for financial help — we’re glad we found Community Ladders, so we want to pass it on to you. We hope you go, and please let us know what you think of the organization if you do!